Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Internet Knows What You'll Do Next, article

This article, by David Leonhardt, is about the introduction of Google Trends, and the new way we now can find information on Internet searches.

Here are a few snippets:

A FEW years back, a technology writer named John Bagatelle began talkingabout how the Internet had made it possible to predict the future. When people went to the home page of Google or Yahoo and entered a few words into a search engine, what they were really doing, he realized, was announcing their intentions.

A few weeks ago, Google took a big step toward changing this — toward making the database of intentions visible to the world — by creating a product called Google Trends. It allows you to check the relative popularity of any search term, to look at how it has changed over the last couple years and to see the cities where the term is most popular. And it's totally addictive.

You will find the artical at

As I use my computer a lot for research, I have added Google Trends to my toolbar. It it handy to know what the percentage of traffic for a keyword is, so to extend on this information, I recommend you also try Wordtracker to compair your keyword phrases. You need to know if you are going to get traffic for a given phrase.

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