To use my computer for internet, I need a computer with speed, and my laptop has got to the point of no return, in fact if it went any slower it would go backwards. My Mum's old 16 color IBM computer goes 10 times faster.
For two years I worked with my trusty laptop, handy to cart around and light enough to take anywhere, but! As the months went by it got slower and slower, no cleaning or defraging would get it to go any faster, even spider solitaire slowed right down to a click--click --click, so sad. Mind you I have had it working day and night for the last two years.
Yesterday I picked up my new PC, turned it on after carefully reading every instruction as I got it out of the box. Whamo! it came to life in seconds, loaded a few programs, Wizz bang! and it was done. It has 2Gb of ram, a 500 Gb of storage I haven't got used to Vista yet, but I had the internet going in no time, my portable hard drive that I used with the laptop works wonderfully and last night my younger son, his girlfriend and I watched "Iceage" in brilliant color on the wide screen monitor. I have access to my websites again!
With any new computer, now comes the hard work of setting up the computer, of course I'll set it up better than the laptop and planning which programs to keep and which to discard is hard. My compassion is websites and designing good sites takes a lot of background work, graphics, ebooks, video and audio, html, templates, banners, keyword research, article research, niche research, submitting, promoting and guess what, there is a program for every thing. How many printers do I have? Which digital camera had the good graphics program? Back up the old email for taxation purposes, and how do I transfer my email client list? What about my Skype contacts?
Luckily I saved all my program files on the portable hard drive and all I have to do is execute them all again, find passwords again, and o-oh! did I keep notes on every program in my "notes on sites" file? Working on the internet, whether for fun or business means keeping up with many many things and as you will find out too if you ever have to change computers it takes many programs and files to organize.
Lucky for me all my Web site membership sites, passwords and logins have been saved in a program I had built last year, just for that job. It can be saved and loaded over the freshly loaded program. When you have hundreds of sites and affiliate programs to watch you need such software. Just in case you were wondering, a copy will be available when my new site is released, just as soon as I can get this computer into action.
The laptop is not lost forever, it will have every program removed, especially internet security which uses a lot of energy and get a new tune up so I can use my computer as a simple notebook for library research or the family tree. As for the old IBM, there are a pair of little girls next door who may get a beginners computer for Christmas.
Enough talking, I have to use my computer to get my new website finished, I have been Googled all ready and now rank 7th for one keyword phrase, with no advertising or back links and I bet you all can't wait to learn more.
HAVE A WONDERFUL HOLIDAY and think of me working away using my computer to finish your new free information membership site for people who Work from Home. In fact anyone with a website or blog will find the information I am putting together for you very handy.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
While I use my computer to build the new website, check out this
The new website is taking a little longer than I hoped, it is a huge project. While I use my computer to build the new website, check out this site.
The 7 Dollar Mall has a huge collection of software and ebooks, quality products all reduced to $7. You are shure to find something to suit your taste. New products are added to the Mall all the time, so it is worth checking back from time to time.
For those of you who are looking for a site of your own to promote and make some money then you may like to click the banner below.
You can see all the products available in the 7 Dollar Mall by clicking the link, see the quality of the website, so how would you like to promote your own mall?
You can get your own Mall for free and make 60% on all products. Click the banner to learn more.
You don't need a website, the 7 Dollar Mall is hosted for you, ready to promote and make money.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Yesterday I used my computer to upload the framework for the new site
Yes it will be soon and the New Website will be ready. Yesterday I used my computer to upload the framework for the new site. I have setup the forum first, as our Outback Anzacs Team will have a place on the Forum to post important news. (Check in Facebook for details)
The new Renamed site will have many features for people to use and I will show you how you can use them to build your own business also.
I hope to teach you something on this new site to get your Home based Web Business up and running. You realy do not need to know anything about working on the web to get started.
I will use my computer to moniter the traffic to my site, starting from the first release of the new Website, remembering I will be starting from scratch by renaming the site and as I impliment all the stratergies to get traffic, you will be able to follow.
This is a new learning curb fo all of us, so stay tuned
The new Renamed site will have many features for people to use and I will show you how you can use them to build your own business also.
I hope to teach you something on this new site to get your Home based Web Business up and running. You realy do not need to know anything about working on the web to get started.
I will use my computer to moniter the traffic to my site, starting from the first release of the new Website, remembering I will be starting from scratch by renaming the site and as I impliment all the stratergies to get traffic, you will be able to follow.
This is a new learning curb fo all of us, so stay tuned
Thursday, August 30, 2007
My old Sarahsworkshop site is getting a New name and I am using my computer to upgrade the site
I am using my computer to upgrade my present site, and it will become While the new changes and domain name are in process, both sites will be temporally out of action. I apologise for this.
My links to this site within the blog will also be changed. will then have a new host, lots more space and massive bandwith to support the new site.
My links to this site within the blog will also be changed. will then have a new host, lots more space and massive bandwith to support the new site.
Monday, August 27, 2007
I use my computer to Bookmark my "Web Page" so the World knows it exists
I have modified my Web Page, it has good content and highly targeted keyword phrases, so now I use my computer to Bookmark my "Web Page" so the World knows it exists.
There are many Bookmarking Sites, but the one that comes highly recommended is Social Poster. Social Poster has 40 different sites on its list, and they make it easy for you to join, login and post links. You only have to put your information in once and the site fills in the details for every bookmarking site.
There are many Bookmarking Sites, but the one that comes highly recommended is Social Poster. Social Poster has 40 different sites on its list, and they make it easy for you to join, login and post links. You only have to put your information in once and the site fills in the details for every bookmarking site.
This may take a little time to set up, especially if you have a few pages you want posted, but consider your page will now be visable to all the users in that bookmarking site x40. If you add a email to friends link on your website as well, consider how quickly you will get visitors and links to your site and how quickly you will get indexed by the Search Engine.
I have Sarahsworkshop social posted, as well as my Plug-In Profit page and many of my affiliate sites as well.
Before I use my computer to Bookmark my "Web Page" so the World knows it existed I was getting no traffic at all to my website.
This is how I take an exiting site and use my computer to add tracking
Tracking your website to know how many visitors you are getting is most important, so this is how I take an exiting site and use my computer to add tracking.
First you will need your own Website, sales page or even a blog like this. If you don't have a website, I recommend you seriously sign-up for a Plug-In Profit site, you can modify it to suite your needs and it has all the training you need to get you started. Take a look at my SarahPlugInProfit site. I have many modifications in progress which you will be able to follow by clicking here regularly.
Second you will need to go to Google Analytics or a similar tracking site and sign-up for an account, add the website URL and you are given a code to add to the end of your webpage, just before the end tags. /body I use my computer to log in to the website WebePanel, using a separate tab, and select the page I want to track in the file manager and clicking on the edit articles icon. The page will open in a text editor. Go to the bottom of the page and just before the /body tag paste the code(the code is in < > tags). You can save the page and you simply go back to your Google Analytics page click the button to let them know you have placed the code. Within 24hours or less you will start to see results.
You can see how simple it was for me to use my computer to add a simple link to the webpage that will be a most important information tool.
First you will need your own Website, sales page or even a blog like this. If you don't have a website, I recommend you seriously sign-up for a Plug-In Profit site, you can modify it to suite your needs and it has all the training you need to get you started. Take a look at my SarahPlugInProfit site. I have many modifications in progress which you will be able to follow by clicking here regularly.
Second you will need to go to Google Analytics or a similar tracking site and sign-up for an account, add the website URL and you are given a code to add to the end of your webpage, just before the end tags. /body I use my computer to log in to the website WebePanel, using a separate tab, and select the page I want to track in the file manager and clicking on the edit articles icon. The page will open in a text editor. Go to the bottom of the page and just before the /body tag paste the code(the code is in < > tags). You can save the page and you simply go back to your Google Analytics page click the button to let them know you have placed the code. Within 24hours or less you will start to see results.
You can see how simple it was for me to use my computer to add a simple link to the webpage that will be a most important information tool.
Friday, August 24, 2007
I use my computer and Wordtracker to find the top keyword phrases
The most important thing when deciding on what to add to your website or blog is to have a phrase that is going to bring you traffic from the search engines. I use my computer to search for keyword phrases with traffic potential by using a program called Wordtracker. This free tool version will tell you how many people per day you may get to a site, for a given keyword.
Wordtracker is a great program, balanced with Google search to help you decide if a certain phrase is worth trying, or if you should expand into another refined niche.
I would suggest you give it a try.
Wordtracker is a great program, balanced with Google search to help you decide if a certain phrase is worth trying, or if you should expand into another refined niche.
I would suggest you give it a try.
google search,
keyword phrases,
use my computer,
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Welcome, Today I'll talk about adding Audio Products to your Niche Sites.
Audio Books can be used to add content to your niche site. You can produce your own products, or you can get products from companies who specialise in producing great products.
I use my computer NVU Program, a free program used on most computers, to add new products to my websites, or you can add them to your Niche blogs by pasting in the HTML.

Click the banner to take you to the Audio Book Store and check out the 6,900+ audio books. There are 160 different catagories of books to select from.
If you find a product that may suit your niche, join the affiliate link on the page, or
You can sell ebooks from the main store, from any category or you can select any product to sell from your site. You can select from the 6,900+ products, link it to your own sales and download pages that match your special niche site.
I hope you find something you like. Don't forget to check the "Special Offers" and "Free downloads to get a sample of the Audio Books"
I use my computer NVU Program, a free program used on most computers, to add new products to my websites, or you can add them to your Niche blogs by pasting in the HTML.
Click the banner to take you to the Audio Book Store and check out the 6,900+ audio books. There are 160 different catagories of books to select from.
If you find a product that may suit your niche, join the affiliate link on the page, or
You can sell ebooks from the main store, from any category or you can select any product to sell from your site. You can select from the 6,900+ products, link it to your own sales and download pages that match your special niche site.
I hope you find something you like. Don't forget to check the "Special Offers" and "Free downloads to get a sample of the Audio Books"
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Welcome to Sarah's Workshop Blog
Thank you to all those people who sent their best wishes while I was off sick, and after my partner's death this year. In the past five months we have had to deal with another four deaths. It was not easy, but I am back on track now and ready for a great year.
This special note is to welcome all my team mates in the 30 day challenge this year. It is an event worth participating in. Ed will show you all the new techniques to make money on the Internet, and it does not matter if you have any experience or not, Ed will teach you all you need to know. Those of you who have sites need to be part of this challenge too. You will learn so much, and learn to promote your site as well. Remember your forum posts links to your site if you set your signature file correctly.
Our team, the "Outback Anzac's" is made up from members in Australia and New Zealand. We have had a good start to the challenge, and an informative preseason meeting. Welcome Guys!
While we are participating in this years challenge, I have my website "Sarahsworkshop" to promote and upgrade, so you get the latest news and information. I have a new "Mega Store" I am promoting and check out my new "CB-Top site".
I also use my computer to build and test my new websites. You will be the first to know when they will be online, if you follow this blog.
If you have an idea for a website, you will need to produce a search engine friendly site and add as many programs and products to make that site pay. One piece of software that I recommend you try, to build "content rich" websites with AdSense and affiliate programs added is HyperVRE. Check out all the features of the software, watch the videos and download a free copy of the software to practice building your own content rich sites.
Hypervery Gold requires you to have affiliate accounts with Clickbank, Amazon Associates and PayDotCom. Each company has thousands of products for sale and you can make anything from 4% to 75% commission. You won't get a commission from your own sales, but you can make a fair living from just selling affiliate products.
This special note is to welcome all my team mates in the 30 day challenge this year. It is an event worth participating in. Ed will show you all the new techniques to make money on the Internet, and it does not matter if you have any experience or not, Ed will teach you all you need to know. Those of you who have sites need to be part of this challenge too. You will learn so much, and learn to promote your site as well. Remember your forum posts links to your site if you set your signature file correctly.
Our team, the "Outback Anzac's" is made up from members in Australia and New Zealand. We have had a good start to the challenge, and an informative preseason meeting. Welcome Guys!
While we are participating in this years challenge, I have my website "Sarahsworkshop" to promote and upgrade, so you get the latest news and information. I have a new "Mega Store" I am promoting and check out my new "CB-Top site".
I also use my computer to build and test my new websites. You will be the first to know when they will be online, if you follow this blog.
If you have an idea for a website, you will need to produce a search engine friendly site and add as many programs and products to make that site pay. One piece of software that I recommend you try, to build "content rich" websites with AdSense and affiliate programs added is HyperVRE. Check out all the features of the software, watch the videos and download a free copy of the software to practice building your own content rich sites.
The hypervre software will guide you through the whole process of selecting Keywords, selecting Articles, selecting RSS feeds and Products. You will need an AdSense account to make money from your site. If you don't have an account, go to Googal Adsense and sign up.
Hypervery Gold requires you to have affiliate accounts with Clickbank, Amazon Associates and PayDotCom. Each company has thousands of products for sale and you can make anything from 4% to 75% commission. You won't get a commission from your own sales, but you can make a fair living from just selling affiliate products.
For a look at the selection of products at Amazon, have a browse through "MY STORE" or use the search tool below.
For a look at the products from Clickbank, I suggest you have a look at my "CB-Top"site. If you like the look at the website, you can sign up for your free copy of the site. You can also use the portal below to find products.
There are many products and programs for sale from these two companies alone and they handle all the sales shipping or download. They are very reputable companies and you can safely shop from either.
I am sure you will find something from the many categories to sell on your niche site, and that something will give you an idea for your own site. Remember the free Hypervre software and the free CB-Top Website are there to help you get started on the web. There are many good programs that these sites help you promote.
Have a great day and I will be back soon.
30 day challenge,
mega store,
use my computer
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